How To Survive High Dose Steroid Side Effects

Top Products In My Sjogren’s Syndrome Survival Kit

Overcoming Obstacles With Heart and Lung Disease

Finding the strength for overcoming obstacles when diagnosed with heart and lung disease at a young age. Don’t tell me I can’t do that.

My Sjogren’s Syndrome Story: Commonly Uncommon

Navigating Life With SubQ Remodulin 

Having a medication pump attached with you at all times makes life a little less spontaneous. Here is how I am navigating life on remodulin.

Best Products To Reduce Stress With Chronic Illness

After a lot of trial and error, I have come across a few things that make my life a little easier. It could be something to reduce my stress and anxiety, make my house not feel like a hospital, or just a simple treat to myself.

My Chronic Illness Does Not Define Me

It Consumes My Time, But It’s Not Who I Am When living with a chronic illness that is often all people see in you. However, we know that it is not a lifestyle that we choose or wish to participate in. All too often the […]

My Pregnancy With Sjogren’s Syndrome: 2

Pregnant women with Sjogren’s have a risk of passing their antibodies to their child which puts them at risk for congenital heart block.

My Pregnancy With Sjogren’s Syndrome: 1

Finding out you’re pregnant is the most exciting news! No one could predict what was coming next in my pregnancy with Sjogren’s.

How AIP Helped Me

What Led Me To AIP You’ll come to learn I post a lot of recipes that help me feel good and “heal me.” It wasn’t without lots of trial and error until I learned what worked for me. Back in 2019, I started feeling really […]