I take no credit for this meal, but I had to share! This easy one pot beef stroganoff is a weekly staple in our house. It also makes for a simple, stress free clean up.
Beef stroganoff is another recipe where wholesome, fresh ingredients really make the meal. Trust me, it will be good regardless. But I make this meal so often, Chance can tell the difference when there is one slight variation.

I mentioned I hate to waste food, and always try to use what is on hand. Beef stroganoff is perfect for throwing in some spinach or kale that is on the verge of wilting. Just toss a few handfuls in when your pasta is almost finished boiling. There you have it, a few extra greens for the day. It can’t hurt, right?
This meal is great for a low energy day
There are several modifications you can make, and it will still taste just as good. Sometimes you need a wholesome meal without inflammatory ingredients, but just don’t have the energy to make everything from scratch. Here are a few substitutions you can make on those days:
Omit The Onion
Swap Fresh For Canned Mushrooms
Pre-Minced Garlic
One pot beef stroganoff is also fully AIP compliant when using the fresh ingredients. How many AIP meals can you find that are only one pot?!
If you are making this meal for other people, they won’t even know they are eating coconut cream and gluten free pasta. If you do have picky eaters who will notice the difference you can also make several swaps. Switch the pasta for your favorite brand. Not a fan of coconut? Swap it out for cream cheese or sour cream if you can handle the dairy.
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Stroganoff Staple Ingredients
Most of the ingredients you need for this meal are likely already in your pantry. I keep a healthy stock of Jovial pasta. I’m not going to lie, it is pretty expensive for a gluten free pasta. However, it goes on sale quite frequently at Whole Foods. It pays to be a Prime Member y’all!
I keep beef or bone broth on hand always. There are probably better brands out there with less processed ingredients. Also, you can make your own, but I found that too intimidating. I don’t have the time or energy for that either. I try to stick to the short cuts when I can.
Onion and garlic is always ever present in bulk in my house (sorry, not sorry).
Mushrooms on the other hand are a rare find. I don’t use them as quickly and they tend to turn to a muddy mush in my produce drawer. I do keep several canned mushrooms on hand. However, I will buy these fresh if I know I am making beef stroganoff during the week.
Coconut cream is another staple that I always keep on stock. These are tricky though. You can find coconut milk almost anywhere, but the cream is sometimes a little harder. Trader Joe’s has great prices on quality coconut cream and milk! However, I don’t live close to TJs and it comes in full 16 oz can sizes. I don’t always use the whole can before it goes bad.
I found this coconut cream at my local Whole Foods, and it is always just enough for every recipe.
Where is the Recipe?!
I know y’all hate reading the stuff before the recipe, but I am just trying to give you some time and energy saving tips. Learn from my mistakes y’all. Our moto is work smarter not harder.
As always, don’t forget to check out what kitchen essentials I use to make prep smooth and easy!
Energy Level = 2/5

One pot meal, easy prep and clean
I do believe giving credit to where it is due, so here is the link to the original recipe from Michelle Hoover.

If I can do it, so can you!
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