No Rest For The Wicked

Rest is still very difficult for me. I am stubborn, I push myself a little too hard. I’m in denial and I don’t like to be told I can’t do something. Chronic disease is not new to me, but heart and lung disease is.  The […]

The Woman on the Moon: Living With Moon Face

Let’s FACE it. If you have any type of chronic illness or autoimmune disease, you have been met face to face with the devil’s drug itself – PREDNISONE. Y’all this thing needs to come with a huge warning written all over it. Had I known […]

What is Sjogren’s Syndrome?

That is an excellent question. When I was first diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome 15 years ago, I was just worried about dry mouth and dry eyes. I figured I was just one of those people that will have perpetually dry skin. Little did I know […]